Dear Parents/Carers,
The Black Country Foodbank was started in June 2006, and is a Christian-based charitable organisation set up to feed local people experiencing real hardship by meeting their most basic need for food. The foodbank helps vulnerable individuals and families in crisis through the provision of 3 days of emergency food supplies and toiletries whilst a longer-term solution is developed. The service provided has an enormous impact on the people who use them, giving them important breathing space at a time of great need.
The Foodbank issues food vouchers to local organisations that encounter people in hardship. They act as referral partners and give the vouchers to people who they consider to need help. The people then go to one of the centres to redeem this for food and toiletries.
At Shire Oak Academy, we have placed donation boxes within the school Gatehouse to accept any donations. If you are able to spare anything, please send it in with your child and ask them to drop it into the donation boxes, and we will ensure it gets to those in need. This will be an ongoing service,
and donations will be taken to the distribution centre every week. Please click here to view a list of current shortages, or alternatively, please click here to donate financially. If you are able to spare anything, it will be greatly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs C. Smith
Deputy Headteacher
Milk (UHT or powder, preferably semi-skimmed)
Sugar (500g/1kg)
Breakfast Cereal (preferably non-sugared)
Fruit Juice (1L carton long life)
Fruit Squash/Cordial
Jars Instant Coffee (small)
Instant Hot Chocolate (preferably to be made with water)
Pasta Sauce/Cooking Sauces
Tin/Carton Tomatoes
Pasta/Rice/CousCous 500g/1kg)
Packets of Instant Noodles
Tinned Vegetables
Potato (Instant Mash or tinned)
Tinned Meat/Fish
Tinned Pies
Tinned Fruit (in juice preferably)
Tin/Carton Rice/Sponge Pudding/Custard
Biscuits, Crackers, Crispbreads
Healthy Snacks (Raisins, Apricots etc)
Can Opener
Shower Gel
Anti-Bac Hand Gel
Children’s Toothbrush/Paste
Tissues (small packs)
Nappies (all sizes)
Baby Wipes
Baby Lotion
Baby Wash/Shampoo
Sanitary Towels/Tampons
Toilet Roll
Shaving Gel/Foam (not razors)
Washing Up Liquid
Small Boxes of Washing Powder