Catch-up Premium
In 2019 65% of pupils reached the expected standard in all of reading, writing and maths (combined) in 2019, up from 64% in 2018. The Department for Education (DfE) has stressed that attainment in reading, writing and maths (combined) in 2018 and 2019 is not directly comparable to earlier years (2016 and 2017) because of changes to the writing TA frameworks in 2018.
The DfE issued the results of the data as a new set of “scaled scores”, which show how many marks a child would have to get in each test – reading, writing, spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG), in order to meet the “expected standard” of 100. Any pupil having a scaled score of below 100 is not deemed to have made expected progress in KS2.
At Shire Oak Academy we believe that the following percentages of our Yr7 cohort did not make expected progress in KS2.
36% of our Yr7 pupil cohort in 2017-18.
29% of our Yr7 pupil cohort in 2018-19.
29% of our Yr7 pupil cohort in 2019-20.
Shire Oak Academy received £21,500 in 2017-18 for catch-up premium students.
Shire Oak Academy will receive £21,500 in 2018-19 for catch-up premium students.
We are assuming that we will receive the same funding in 2019-20.