Results, Ofsted and DfE Information

Results and Department for Education (DfE) Performance Tables

Information about the performance of Shire Oak Academy along with details of current and historical examination results, can be accessed on the DfEā€™s website.

It also addresses the percentage of pupils making expected progress.

Click Here For Shire Oak Academy's DFE Page


Progress 8 Score


Attainment 8 Score


Students staying in education or entering employment after keystage 4 0
Students achieving a good pass (grade 5 or above) in English and Maths 0
Students Entering EBacc 0


Average Results for A-Level Qualifications


Average Results for Academic Qualifications


Average Results for Applied General Qualifications


Pupil population

The figures below are for the 2018/2019 academic year, which is the latest year for which performance results have been published.

Pupils On Roll
Girls On Roll
Boys On Roll

Staffing Details

The figures below show the full time equivalent staffing numbers for the 2018/2019 academic year, which is the latest year for which performance results have been published.

Teaching Staff
Teaching Assistants
Support Staff

Ofsted Report

We are delighted that inspectors have recognised the progress the Academy has made in the last 2 years and the very significant improvements since the previous inspection in 2018.Ā 

Ofsted agree with us where the many strengths of the Academy are, and we agree with inspectors on where the areas for improvement are in our journey towards being consistently good and better in all areas.Ā 

Some highlights from the report are:

  • pupils are happy to come to school and feel safeĀ 
  • [pupils] enjoy a good standard of pastoral care
  • senior leaders have high expectations for both pupils and staffĀ 
  • warm relationships between teachers and pupils mean that pupils behave well [in lessons]
  • effective training to improve teachersā€™ skills [and have] established a culture of staff training
  • teachers explain ideas well and pupils learn well.Ā 
  • students do well in the sixth form and personal development is particularly strong

Ā Ofsted have graded 4 of the 5 areas as GOOD.


2018 2022
Leadership & ManagementĀ  Requires Improvement Leadership & ManagementĀ  Good
Teaching Learning & AssessmentĀ  Requires Improvement Quality of EducationĀ  Good
Outcomes for Pupils Requires Improvement
Behaviour and Welfare Requires Improvement Behaviour & Attitudes Requires Improvement
Personal DevelopmentĀ  Good
Sixth Form Requires Improvement Sixth FormĀ  Good


We are disappointed with inspectorsā€™ view that because behaviour and attitudes outside of lessons at the Academy require improvement, then the overall grade for this area is Requires Improvement (despite describing behaviour in class, the way the Academy deals with bullying, and overall attendance as good or very effective).Ā  This grade for behaviour and attitudes also means that the overall grade for the Academy is ā€˜Requires Improvementā€™ at this time.

Although we have been waiting for some time for the publication of the inspection report we have wasted no time in addressing the areas for improvement that were discussed at the time.Ā  Since the inspection in April we have:Ā 

  • Reviewed our Behaviour for Learning Policy and undertaken staff training on behaviour management
  • Used assemblies and form time to clarify our behaviour expectations with our students
  • Expanded our Pastoral team so that all year groups have a non-teaching Head of Year and Associate Head of Year. We also appointed two Pastoral Intervention Leaders to the team.Ā 

As you read the full report we are sure you will see the many reasons to congratulate staff on their work to deliver improvements in the Academy for the benefit of your children as well as agreeing with inspectorsā€™ findings on where we should focus our efforts on improving the Academy further.