To provide opportunities for all students to aspire to develop their physical skills, knowledge, understanding, confidence and motivation to lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
Mrs D Critchley
Head Of Physical Education
Subject Overview
Sport and physical education teaches a wide range of skills that we try to embed at Shire Oak Academy. Through sport and physical education students learn to be organised, independent, resilient, be able to work individually and as part of a team as well as developing communication and listening skills.
Our students take pride in representing their house and/or the academy at different events in and out of school, helping their inner character.
Key Stage 3
In Year 7 we aim to create a love for Physical Education by experiencing a wide range of different activities and developing respectful relationships. As we gain students from a wide range of primary schools we initially test the students through a variety of activities. This allows us to then accurately differentiate by placing students into ability groups. This then results in students being able to undertake basic skills in a range of activities.
Year 8 is designed to broaden sporting experiences. We further develop skills acquired from year 7 and build on those learnt with some deeper understanding as to when the skills are used within competitive situations and why skills are executed at certain times in the activity. The basic skills are developed with students learning more complex skills. Basic tactical awareness within activities is questioned to get students deeper thinking.
Year 9 is a transition year to bridge the gap between KS3 study and GCSE or Cambridge National Sport Studies. This is where students develop their confidence, competence as well as their leadership skills. Students are encouraged to take on a range of leadership and officiating roles in preparation for KS4.
Key Stage 4
In year 10 and 11, we offer OCR GCSE and the Cambridge National Sports Studies course. Students also complete core PE lessons in which all include health and wellbeing units and how to keep active outside of school as well as sports and activities that have been learnt in KS3 . New fitness opportunities are given to students to encourage healthy active lifestyles.
Mrs D. Critchley
Mr P. Banbery
Mr C. Hall
Mr D. Varney
Miss C. Cresswell
Miss C. Newman
Mrs S. Williams
Mr A. Turner
Miss M. Wollaston
Further Resources
Sports Scientist
PE teacher
Professional sportsperson
Sports coach
Diet and fitness instructor
Personal trainer
Sports journalist