Dear Parents/carers
Year 11 Parents Evening
Thursday 19th January 2023
At Shire Oak, we feel that the key to a student’s success lies in a working partnership between us, the student and the parents. With this in mind, we would like to invite you to make appointments for our annual parents evening on Thursday 19th January 2023
We know that our staff have many positive things to say about your child and, as a parent, it is always pleasing to hear good news. Staff will also have targets for them which, if achieved, will certainly ensure maximum success in the future. Working in partnership will be the key to success.
We are holding the evening virtually but the booking system remains the same. For information on how to access meetings online please use this link:
Appointments can be made from 9th January at 9am and will close on 19th January at 3pm Should you wish to make any changes after this date please contact Mrs Waite. Obviously, we are aware that not all parents have online access. If this is the case, again, please contact Mrs Waite and she will ensure you have a full set of appointments for the evening.
The decision to hold the evening virtually has been taken for the following reasons:
- Staff felt that an online event was more relaxed and enjoyable when parents were at home as parents did not have to rush home from work, cook, get changed and head out again.
- Online events helped both parents and staff keep to the planned schedule thus ensuring that appointments do not go over time making parents late for their next appointments
- Travel time between appointments does not need to be taken into account when scheduling appointments.
We recognise that parents should always feel welcome in school and there are occasions such as open evenings, concerts, sporting events and information evenings where parents’ attendance is encouraged.
Yours sincerely
Mrs C. Smith
Deputy Head Teacher