Dear Parents/Carers,
You should have received an email from the Academy including all of the information you require to get your child started at Shire Oak Academy in September 2021.
Within the email, you will find the following:
- A welcome letter. Linked within this letter is the Student Admission Form, this needs to be completed by Friday 30th April 2021 to secure your child’s place.
- New Year 7 parent booklet, containing the information you will need to know ready for September.
- A letter detailing the procedure for medication that will need to be taken at the Academy.
- 5 consent forms which you will need to read before completing the Student Admission Form, as you will be asked to provide consent.
If you have not received the email, please check your junk mail, and if you still have not received it, please contact Mrs Harper on [email protected]
Please note: The Student Admission Form (linked to the welcome letter) MUST be completed by Friday 30th April 2021 to secure your child’s place at the academy.