The social sciences offer equal promise for improving human welfare; our lives can be greatly improved through a deeper understanding of individual and collective behavior. But to realize this promise, the social sciences, like the natural sciences, need to match their institutional structures to today's intellectual challenges.`` ~ Nicholas A. Christakis
Mrs S. Thomas
Head Of Criminology
Subject Overview
Criminology is the scientific study of criminal behaviour, analysing from a social perspective why crime happens and how to prevent it. It is a combination of history, physiology, psychology and sociology where elements are cross examined to better understand crime through theoretical insights. In year twelve, students will learn about different types of crimes, explanations for why people commit these crimes and the punishments that criminals face. In addition, students will examine social changes in society that occur as a result of high profile criminals, such as media campaigns which aim to change the law. As students progress into year thirteen, they will examine what happens at the scene of a crime, the personnel involved such as forensic investigators, how cases are prepared for trial and what happens in the courtroom.
Mrs Thomas – Director of Learning Social Sciences
Mr Pearson – Social Sciences teacher
Mrs Collymore – Social Sciences Teacher
Further Resources – Year 12 – Year 13
Civil service.
Community development worker.
Crime scene investigator.
Police officer.
Prison officer.
Probation officer.
Social worker.
Special Units i.e. Anti Terrorism.
Youth Offending Support Officer.
Criminology BA
Criminology and Forensic Studies BA
Criminology and Policing BSc
Criminology with Applied Psychology BSc
Sociology and Criminology BA
Above are just some examples- Criminology can be studied alone or as a dual honors degree in combination with other subjects.