Shire Oak Academy

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Careers Colleges & Universities for Students

At Shire Oak we are committed to ensuring all students leave school and sixth form with a place in further or higher education, employment or further training.

We help all students select the right course and further education institution. We encourage all students to aim high in terms of their aspirations whether that be A levels, vocational courses, T Levels, government traineeships or degree level courses.

Students that want to progress to college or university are provided with comprehensive information, advice and guidance throughout the process.

Throughout the course of their school life students are given the opportunity to discuss their next steps and start the process of identifying an appropriate college or university course or an alternative career path. Our careers meetings are available at any time for students to talk individually about college, university or desired career choices and to help and advise with the completion and coordination of the college entry application or UCAS applications and academic references.

Students are encouraged to attend college and university open days and visit the college, university cities they are interested in. Students are also encouraged to attend higher education fairs at universities and a number of our more able students are encouraged to apply for Oxford and Cambridge within medicine, veterinary science, dentistry and law.

Not all students want to go to college or university and wish to take an alternative career route. These students are supported by the careers team and a programme of outside speakers (training providers and employers) are available to provide students with careers information. The careers team can be contacted at [email protected]